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Be AI-PROOF in your job!

In the last blog of the series, we asked Chat GPT to “write a poem on Venture Capital”, and to our understanding, it did a great job! The capabilities of an AI have ramped up in the past 66 years. And now the question in front of us is — “When will it be able to OUTPACE humans?”

The answer — “Let’s delve deeper”

What did the experts who saw AI for the first time had to say about it in 1956?

A snip from wikipedia

A machine as intelligent as humans, nowhere mentioned “A machine more intelligent than humans”. Machine AI can be as intelligent as Einstein but it seems less likely that it can be smarter than Einstein, and the basis of the claim lies in how AIs are developed today.

Lets understand the general process to develop an AI.

Process to develop an AI

The process initiates by feeding Sets of Data as Input to an Processing Algorithm which generates Conditional Output.

The Input and Processing Algorithm defines the scope of the Output. And what is the extent of the intelligence that can be induced within input and processing algorithms?

Well it can be as high as of the human developing these process.

If I program an AI to write poems based on the learning from the poem’s of Rabindranath Tagore, it can generate poems just like Rabindranath Tagore even on the topics never written by him.

But can it create an ideology of its own as to identify and write on the social issues of the country keeping in account of the dynamic ongoing on-ground situation?

With the process of developing an AI as of now, it’s very difficult to train an AI on 86 Billion neurons that work in a human’s brain.

But it’s just the start….!

AIs still have the capabilities to replace a human in their day to day non-innovative tasks.

Being an Analyst at Auxano Capital, can I be replaced by an AI?

Well I can reject or accept a business based on a few basic parameters being Investment Thesis, Scalability, Ecosystem Sentiment and others. All the above I can feed into an AI algorithm and it can be done by an AI in no time.

So am I replaceable?

Well not until I continuously strive to grow and innovate, putting all the neurons in my brain to work.

My duty involves finding ways to dissect business even better, one way being talking to relevant people and asking them same questions in multiple ways to understand the viability of a business.

Can AI do it today? (It could in future, but lets stick to reality….)

Going Forward…

What if an AI is trained by an Analyst who is way smarter than me? This AI can easily outpace me.

Just like it was believed that ‘digital camera’ would replace the existence of ‘paintings’.

By the time AI catches up, I might be well ahead.

Moreover, I can not predict the future, but I can control it. Control it by continuously upgrading myself to be better than yesterday. And that being true for everybody looking to be AI-Proof, until AI finally replicates our 86 Billion active neurons.

A scene from Rajnikant’s Robot

Because, It would be strange to take orders from an AI…..

Author (s):

Kanuj Jadwani

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