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Marketing communication – What can go wrong??

Marketing Communication is amongst the most important functions in spearheading business growth and development.

The communications involve various tools to communicate effectively and efficiently with the existing and/or potential customers. Successful campaigns consider all elements of the communications failing which the campaign may not deliver its potential and at times any results at all.The seven C’s of communication are crucial to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in both written and spoken communications.

They are highly beneficial and enable result-oriented delivery of business communication.

  • Clear – The communication must be clear about the purpose. The recipient should be aware of why they are receiving the message and what is the business trying to achieve by delivering it. If there are multiple goals, each should be laid out separately. Further one should avoid jargon, use simple language, use simple structures and focus on the core points of the message.
  • Concise – When communicating it is important to stick to the point and keep the messages short and simple. Do not use 10 words if it can be communicated in five & don’t repeat the message. The more one says, the more risk there is of confusion. Avoid that risk by focusing solely on the key points.
  • Concrete – When shaping the communication, the logic and the messages must fit together, build on each other and support each other. The message must be based on solid facts and opinions from credible sources.
  • Correct – It is essential that the information, language and grammar is correct. Errors could distract the receiver and reduce the credibility of the message. Thus, reducing the effectiveness of the communication
  • Complete – Completeness is often one of the most important of the 7 Cs of communication. When creating a message, it is important to give the recipient all of the information they need to follow the line of reasoning and to reach the same conclusions as of the sender.
  • Coherent – The communication must have a logical flow and the style, tone and language must be consistent throughout for an effective communication.
  • Courteous – The effectiveness of the communications can be increased by being polite and showing the audience respect.

Failed Marketing Campaigns due to oversight of 7c’s

  1. SONY – WHITE VS. BLACK PSP AD – Marketing is a field that can reward the bold, but when the ad metaphors take human form, they run the risk of drawing fire. In a famously failed advertising campaign in 2006, Sony celebrated the release of their new white PSP device with giant billboards.
    1. Theme: A white woman subduing a black woman, representing the new white PSP model’s dominance over the older black portable console. While Sony did not intend the ad campaign to be racist, the fact that so many people were offended by the photographs speaks for itself.
    2. Marketing Lesson (Courteous): Different people may interpret the message differently. And sometimes that interpretation is not positive.
  2. BLOOMINGDALES – DATE RAPE AD BLUNDER – In a 2015 holiday catalogue, Bloomingdale’s published an ad with a serious-looking man staring at a laughing woman who is faced away from him. A little creepy maybe, but it isn’t too bad until you read the caption: “Spike your best friend’s eggnog when they’re not looking.
    1. Marketing Lesson (Clarity, Concrete, Coherent, Complete)– Make sure marketing team puts multiple sets of eyes on a campaign before it runs. Getting multiple opinions helps ensure that potentially offensive and tone-deaf messages are caught before they ever get published.

Conclusion: The moral of the story is to always put a lot of thought into marketing. Be intentional about the message, offer, and the words and images used to communicate. Every business wants to make a big impact or go viral, but make sure that the attention is received for the right reason – not because of marketing fails.

What is the best way NOT to fail at marketing?

  • Start with a solid strategy
  • Do not underestimate the importance of content
  • Do not expect overnight oversight
  • Do not follow others
  • Never reply on one person/groups opinion over the communication


Karan Gupta 
Brijesh Damodaran Nair

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